Growing Made Easy

Co-Founders Brian and Matt have recently started a company called Earthly Delights, where they developed a soilless amendment, dubbed a super soil, called Organic Gold, specifically targeting the cannabis grower and organic gardener. For the last two years Earthly Delights has been perfecting an “open source” super soil recipe, developed by a master grower named Subcool. This recipe has been circulating on the Internet, providing home growers with an easy, cost-effective means of growing cannabis themselves or turning any garden into a biologically active soil that is capable of producing nutrient dense food and medicine by utilizing the symbiosis plants have with fungus and bacteria. Subcool developed a method for utilizing his super soil, often called ‘The Subcool Method,’ but also referred to as the ‘Just-Add-Water’ method or the ‘Grow Weed Easy’ method. We at Earthly Delights fully support this easy-grow method, and have developed a product customers can use right out of the bag, to both simplify and improve their organic gardening experience, while saving them money as compared to conventional growing methods.

Our product, called Organic Gold Super Soil, is a biologically active, nutrient-enriched, composted, soilless blend , featuring the latest in mycorrhizal fungi, as well as newly-developed beneficial bacteria. And more importantly, it’s ready-to-use!

Organic super soils are known to bring out better, stronger terpene profiles, and therefore produce better smelling & better tasting cannabis. Traditional super soils offer similar yields to those found using expensive liquid or salt based synthetic fertilizers. However, our “technologically advanced” super soil aims to increase our customers’ yields versus their current methods, while costing significantly less than an equivalent amount of liquid chemicals. Smaller commercial growers have saved more than 83% by switching from liquid chemicals to super soil + the just-add-water method, while producing better product that they can charge a higher price for.

Organic super soil will enrich your soil or soilless medium and produce nutrient dense fruits, vegetables and a broad spectrum of Cannabinoids. Earthly Delights produces plants that express their genetic characteristics. Plants that are more vibrant, colorful, flavorful and pungent then liquid or salt based synthetic fertilizers. Food and cannabis are medicine. Earthly Delights produces medicine full of essential nutrients. These plants are rich in vitamins and minerals and also increasing medicinal benefits like antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and immune support.

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Organic Gold
Biologically Active Soil


First Time Grower